2020 Anchorage Ole' Photography SIG Contest

Intimate Landscape

An “intimate landscape” is one in which you’re picking out and isolating one small part of the scene around you. An intimate landscape might be a smaller part of a grand landscape or a grove of trees. It might also be a small composition that focuses on shapes, lines, colors, textures or patterns. The intimate landscape ordinarily excludes the sky or most of it; it typically involves a limited number of compositional elements; it generally does not rely on scalar relationships for impact; it frequently (but by no means always) includes abstract or semi-abstract renderings; it does not rely on magnification to emphasize its significance, as close-up photography does.

Sunset/Sunrise - Night Images - Landscape General  - Competition Page - Show Summary

The following images were chosen by the SIG membership to be included in the Show that was hung at Jitters in December 2020 and January 2021.
See the Show Summary Page for the results of the voting.

The chosen images each received six or more votes in Round 1.

Intimate Landscape 04
First Frost
Annie Davenport

Intimate Landscape 09
Evening in Lima Peru
Jim Cantor

Intimate Landscape 13
Coffee in the Park
Gary Steinfort

Intimate Landscape 16
McKenzie River Rain Forest
Bill Cole

Intimate Landscape 21
Carolina Swamp
Jane Teller

Intimate Landscape 25
Merganser Family
Chuck Iliff

Intimate Landscape 27
Disk Cove Reflections
Bart Quimby

Intimate Landscape 34
Floating Island
Lower Fire Lake
Bart Quimby

The following images were also entered in the competition.

Intimate Landscape 01

Intimate Landscape 02

Intimate Landscape 03

Intimate Landscape 05

Intimate Landscape 06

Intimate Landscape 07

Intimate Landscape 08

Intimate Landscape 10

Intimate Landscape 11

Intimate Landscape 12

Intimate Landscape 14

Intimate Landscape 15

Intimate Landscape 17

Intimate Landscape 18

Intimate Landscape 19

Intimate Landscape 20

Intimate Landscape 22

Intimate Landscape 23

Intimate Landscape 24

Intimate Landscape 26

Intimate Landscape 28

Intimate Landscape 29

Intimate Landscape 30

Intimate Landscape 31

Intimate Landscape 32

Intimate Landscape 33

Intimate Landscape 35

Intimate Landscape 36

Intimate Landscape 37

Intimate Landscape 38

Intimate Landscape 39

Intimate Landscape 40

Intimate Landscape 41

Intimate Landscape 42

Intimate Landscape 43